Look to the PRTA for a reliable source for your retriever training needs. PRTA members can be found all over the United States and Canada.
PRTA members are good examples of conduct, professionalism and fair treatment of dogs.
They are trustworthy to you and to your dog.
They will provide an atmosphere where your dog may learn and become the best possible retriever no matter what venue. (Field Trial, Hunt Test, HRC, NAHRA, or working gun dog)
Current members include some of the most historic professional dog trainers who have contributed to what we know today about training retrievers. They set examples for other professionals and for amateurs in every aspect of training.
They provide guidance to clients to enable them to run their own dog competently and confidently by example and through education and seminars.
They have access to the best possible training tactics for each individual dog and are hold high training standards.
Our members make their living training retrievers, and agree to abide by the PRTA Code of Ethics. This assures you that your retriever is receiving the best possible training day in and out.
The best time to consider consulting a professional is when you are considering buying a retriever puppy or if you already own one, as soon as possible. A PRTA professional trainer can advise you on selecting the best puppy to buy, to meet your retriever performance goals. In addition, they can help make sure you are getting the healthiest puppy with their knowledge of genetic testing and what to look for in regards to health clearances on both the sire and dam of your puppy. A professional can instruct you on how to structure your early training sessions and many trainers now offer professional puppy training programs.

The following code is adopted by the Professional Retriever Trainers Association to serve as a general guide. No set of rules can be framed which will cover all situations.
1.A Professional Trainer shall serve his client competently and with proper care and zeal.
2.A Professional Trainer shall exercise independent professional judgement on behalf of his client without regard to personal interests or interests of other clients or the desires of other persons.
3.A Professional Trainer should give his client a candid opinion as to the capabilities of a dog and should avoid bold and confident assurances to obtain employment.
4.The matter of fees is a matter between a Professional Trainer and his client.
5.A Professional Trainer should assist in maintaining the honor of the profession and should avoid any form of fraud or deception and even the appearance of impropriety.
6.The conduct of a Professional Trainer at field trials should be characterized by fairness and sportsmanlike behavior. Judges should be treated with respect at all times. A Professional Trainer should attempt to cooperate with the judges, the field trial committee, the club secretary, and all those working for and at the field trial, to the best of his ability. Even attempt should be made to run each dog in the order of the draw whenever possible, and a Professional Trainer should not use his entries in a minor stake to avoid running in order at a major stake.
7.It is improper for a Professional Trainer to volunteer critical or unfavorable comments with respect to another trainer; and in general efforts to encroach on the employment of another trainer are improper. Nevertheless, it is proper for a Professional Trainer to respond with sound advice to another trainers client when requested to do so by that client, preferably after communication between both trainers and the client involved.
8.The Professional Retriever Trainers Association, while striving to maintain the highest standards of conduct among its members, is not responsible in any way for the individual acts of its members.